Wednesday 12 August 2015

14 Extraordinary #tonyabbottsleadershipis Tweet Trending On Twitter

Here we are sharing 14 Extraordinary #tonyabbottsleadershipis Tweet Trending On Twitter

  1. #tonyabbottsleadershipis all about the #boogieman
  2. #tonyabbottsleadershipis like Floyd Mayweather, a defensive stubborn shell, and hated for it. He doesn't care, it's all about dem monies.
  3. #tonyabbottsleadershipis representative of the party he leads. Corrupt, immoral and heartless one and all.
  4. #tonyabbottsleadershipis is one captains pick away from terminating
  5. Mummy, why is the Earth dying? Well, #tonyabbottsleadershipis to blame sweetie. He did nothing when he could have done something.
  6. #tonyabbottsleadershipis condemning our children to food scarcity extreme weather acidic oceans rising sea levels species extinction
  7. #tonyabbottsleadershipis Brilliant. Finally someone who does what is right by his electors. Unlike the previous trashcans.
  8. #tonyabbottsleadershipis an oxymoron.  Which is an oxy more than he is
  9. #tonyabbottsleadershipis on troubled ground. Front bench revolting. #qt
  10. #tonyabbottsleadershipis is Kaput. The wheels fell off his policies in the 1950s 
  11. #tonyabbottsleadershipis A failed murdoch experiment
  12. #tonyabbottsleadershipis something that would never have happened if we had a press that reported with a scrutiny filter
  13. #tonyabbottsleadershipis is like Abbola #auspol
  14. #tonyabbottsleadershipis brought to you by overseas mining companies who thank you for the subsidies and lack of tax bills.

Do you have anything to add in this list? Feel free to comment below.

(Disclaimer: The above messages are taken from social networking site. We do not endorse or support the views expressed)

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